How to generate leads from inbound marketing campaigns?

How to generate leads from inbound marketing campaigns?
  • November 21, 2024


Updated on: 06 February 2025


How to generate leads from inbound digital marketing campaigns?

A few examples of inbound digital marketing techniques include SEO, content marketing, blogging and email marketing. I firmly believe that inbound digital marketing generates leads! 

I will tell you why?

There are approximately 8.5 billion searches per day in Google. Websites/blogs/ SEO is the channel with the highest ROI, as per Hubspot state of marketing report 2024. There is $42 return for every $1 spent on email marketing, as per Mailchimp blog.

Those stats are telling!


What is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound marketing is a method to attract prospective buyers to your business, by creating valuable content and experiences tailored for your buyer. This helps you to drive customer engagement & growth. 


Inbound marketing’s purpose is to

1. Increase brand awareness

2. Drive traffic to your website

3. Increase conversions



My Story

I started INNMCO (pronounced IN-EM-COH) during the pandemic, where I saw many businesses facing an existential crisis because they were not doing business online or they were not being found online. Some businesses weathered the storm while others had to shut shop.

Generating traffic and leads is the #1 challenge that marketers or business owners face, as per HubSpot state of marketing report 2024. Generating traffic / leads/ sales is the problem that I am solving with INNMCO.

I began using inbound marketing to generate leads for my business.

Here are the top five benefits of inbound marketing based on my experience implementing inbound marketing campaigns for my business:


5 benefits of inbound marketing for your business

1. Build trust and credibility

When you empower prospective buyers to do their own research, the more they trust you as a business. You can empower your prospective buyers by providing the right content and experiences tailored for them at different parts of the buying journey. This could be a blog, video explaining a concept or social media post that provides a link to a useful web page.


2. Create cost effective campaigns

Mass marketing is costly and risky. Outbound marketing comes with its own issues as well.

When I started INNMCO (pronounced IN-EM-COH), I was trying to inform prospective buyers about my services using an outbound marketing approach.

I cold messaged a lot of people in my network. I quickly discovered that, I was talking to people who I thought needed my service but didn’t really need what I was selling.

A more focused spend on inbound marketing can save money for your business and increase return on investments, in comparison to paid advertisements.

You can create and run inbound marketing campaigns using a mix of digital marketing channels such as SEO, blogging, email marketing.


3. Increase brand awareness

You can build a strong reputation in your industry by consistently providing high quality content that addresses your prospective buyers needs, challenges and goals.

This will increase your credibility and encourage prospective buyers to pick your business over your competitors.


4. Generate quality leads

Your high quality content, is always putting information and solutions in front of prospective buyers. This helps you to attract buyers who are actively looking for information and solutions related your service offerings.

This puts you front of mind with prospective buyers. This helps you to attract quality traffic and generate quality leads for your business.


5. Encourages multichannel marketing 

You can empower your prospective buyers by providing the right content and experiences tailored for them at different parts of the buyers journey. You can create content in a variety of formats including blogs, videos, webinars, social media posts.

You will need to use a mix of digital marketing channels to distribute your content. This encourages multichannel marketing.

Here are a few inbound digital marketing strategies to increase brand awareness and generate leads for your business:



Inbound digital marketing strategies

1. Craft your product message, based on customer 'jobs to be done'

Customer jobs are jobs that your customer needs done. They will hire a product or service to get that job done. Create a product message that makes your customer hire your product or service. To get that job done.

When your prospective buyer starts their journey towards buying a product or service, they are problem focused. They may have heard about you but they don’t care about you.

When they do land on your home page, they are trying to find out what your business does? This is where you need to create a product message that addresses customer jobs to be done.

In your landing page, answer questions like  

a. What key customer jobs does your business help with?

b. What specific services do you provide?

c. Who do you work with?


2. Create quality content with the buyer in mind.

Google uses the EEAT framework to assess the quality of content on your website. EEAT stands for Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness.

a. Experience - Google looks at content that demonstrates the creator's first hand experience on the subject matter. Write about topics where you have first hand experience in solving a particular problem.

b. Expertise - Expertise often overlaps with experience but they are not the same thing. Google looks at, whether the authors have the knowledge, qualifications and credentials to give reliable information. As an example provide a link to your BIO which showcases your credentials on the topics that you specialise in.

c. Authoritativeness - Google reviews the authoritativeness of the creator, the content and the website. Building authority on a topic that you specialise in, takes time. When your industry peers start referring to your articles or blog posts, you have started to establish authority in the areas that you specialise in

d. Trustworthiness - Cite trustworthy sources while writing your articles. Evaluate and update your content on a regular basis to ensure it’s accurate, relevant and informative.


3. Segment your audience into smaller groups

While creating email campaigns, segment your audience by persona, demography or online behaviour. In this case you are sending messages to people who are interested in what you have to say & they have given you permission to do so.


4. Personalise your message for your target audience

While creating email campaigns, tell a story and build a relationship. Have a unique voice that is relatable to your target audience. In this age of generative AI, it's important to talk like a human. Tell your reader what to do next after reading your email. Your call to action must be easy to find. Use approachable action verbs. Focus on benefits for the reader.




Convinced with the enormous benefits that inbound marketing campaigns offer? What are you waiting for? Go ahead! Create your first inbound marketing campaign for your business! Drive customer engagement and growth!



Grow web traffic, leads & sales!

We work with businesses looking for expert advice on how to grow web traffic, leads and sales using SEO, Google Ads, email marketing and content marketing.


Written by Anees Misbahudeen

Founder & Digital Marketing Director, INNMCO

Anees Misbahudeen - Company Profile (700 × 436 px)

I help SaaS and B2B companies grow web traffic, leads & sales. I am a digital marketing director specialising in SEO, Google Ads, email marketing & content marketing campaigns. I've supported the growth story of 30+ brands in software, financial services, automotive, manufacturing & B2B. I’ve 10+ years of digital marketing industry experience, as a founder, digital marketing strategist & consultant.



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